ypsilanti's Diaryland Diary


country boy

this will be your year. this will be your year. this will be your year.

ever since i started sleeping in the basement, it's been like my dreams are not my own. i'll dream of places i've never been and it'll feel different than any way i've known or felt familiar with ever. strange and endless dreams, often a recurring theme of me needing to run and my legs not working. i had a dream where you told me you weren't mad at me, but you had no time for e-mail apologies. i don't have any idea what it means. i been paranoid that everyone i love hates me. it is not as far-fetched as it may seem. who doesn't love the white stripes? come on, they rule. i am sic. i found a place to live for august, and i am floating in all the stuff i have to do in june and july. sometimes i wonder if i could do better lying in the corn in the country.

listen to me go on...


listen to: blake babies, white stripes, jessica bailliff, rachel goldstar, dixie cups, new order, american tapes, talking heads, terebelo.

1:28 p.m. - 6.11.01


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