ypsilanti's Diaryland Diary


violence towards ramps

the show last night was one of the most amazing and fun experiences i've had since rock died in '97. as soon as juan walked in the door, i started jumping as high and as fast as i possibly could, always hitting the ground with as much pain and pressure as possible. soon i'll be able to jump so high i'll float away, and run so fast that everything will move like looking through a picket fence in a car, or trying to see through window blinds. tommorow is thanksgivorng's daye. traditionaly, this time of year is when i'm wrapped up in a crippling relationship or a major life change. hopefully neither are happening right now. i been laying really low, gathering light for the future. my car won't drive to pennsylvania. steve kenney used to have the best thanksgivings, christmases, easters, etc.. he would invariably go get chinese food (or get someone to buy it for him), get high (or have someone get him high), and sit in his room alone for hours listening to records. it looks like a steve kenney thanksgiving. that's cool, as of late i been really into sitting in my room alone getting fucked up, staring at the wall and listening to the old dirty bastard lp. i hope you're full and happy.


listen to: red or dead, japanthers, violent ramp, andrew wk. (go to: www.andrewwk.com )

2:36 p.m. - 11.21.01


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