ypsilanti's Diaryland Diary



will i still keep up an internet diary when i'm 30? when i'm 35? i wonder. i got a note left here that just said "You're so beautiful." that was so nice. i can't even imagine it. thank you, myseterious internet user.

today i sold my electric guitar that i got just about this time last year. not the red sweetheart baby love that i play all the time, but the one i got right before that one. it was made in the early '60's by a company called Frammus, and i bought it a little bit before the first Saturday shows. it had a whammy bar and did all it was supposed to, all it could, but one guitar is enough. funny to think on saturday night we play our one year anniversary show, to the day. so many crazy things like that, and i always take such special note of them... small markers of theoretical time passing. but our lives do keep changing. i got a fuzz pedal and some money to pay the phone bill.

later on me, wade and roach went to see "Storytelling". i was excited to hear the belle & sebastian soundtrack, but in truth the movie was weak at best. the B&S songs were minimal or old, and maybe just a single's worth of new material or incedental music. non-deveoped characters and kind of reaching filmmaking, nowhere near as fucked up, depressing and life shatteringly uncomfortable as that guy's other films, "Welcome To The Dollhouse" and "Happiness" (sidenote: I saw "Happiness" on a second date. not a good date movie, especially not a getting-to-know-each-other-not-yet-totally-comfortable date movie. totally watch it, but man it's fucked up.)

i keep thinking about moving away. i keep thinking all fucking day long. freaking out. i realized i've been wearing the same two pairs of pants for weeks now. they're brown and beige. just that kind of pants vibe lately, i suppose.

there are forces out there. stronger and weaker. weekends and changed names.

remember that record i've been working on since the inception of this diary? it's finished. final songs mixed, mastered, sequenced and edited at exactly 4:45 am on monday night. 13 songs. 39minutes, 11seconds. i am nowhere near to killing myself. before i do that, i have to find a label to put it out.. just kidding. i will never ever ever kill myself. i swear.

12:50 a.m. - 3.8.02


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