ypsilanti's Diaryland Diary


when will gee-Jay stop?

what is this chip on G-Jay's shoulder all the time? what the fuck....



there was a funny e-mail from the guy who runs Bobsled Records that he sent to the Waxwings (a cool band from Detroit) yelling at them... fucking reaming them... DECIMATING THEM VERBALLY for how how shitty their record release show was at the Majick Stick a few weeks back. it got posted all over the place, including the encore records e-mail account, and maybe i'll put it up here, because it was really fucking hillarious and insane. no offense or cruelty to the waxwings, though. people told me their show was actually pretty cool. this Bobsled guy seems like an uptight frick fuck famished face. he needs some sort of spiritual nourishment.

oh man, detroit. i'm listening to the new Brendan Benson record right now, and it's really really good, the first two songs in particular. i feel kind of like everyone in detroit hates me, but it's ok. there's places and times that fit people perfectly, you know? some people find their lives making the most sense in Des Moines, Iowa, and they're surrounded by friends and/or family and a community of people and things that support them and that they can support and they could be happier nowhere else. one friend of mine a long time ago moved from the middle of nowhere in arizona to Brighton, Michigan, and when i talked about what a lame ass hick-town Brighton was, she was like.. "No, man, I loved it! There were people there! Kids my age! it ruled". some people are happiest in Detroit or Ypsilanti or Brighton with people that live there, and they can grow together the most. some people can't find their place on this earth, or haven't found it yet, at least.

you can come by the magick stick tommorow night if you want, see my band play and then write me a mean e-mail about how horrible it was and if you live in detroit, you can even fucking kick my ass right there. or tell me what i could have done better. or smile and dance and sing out loud. anything you want.

11:42 p.m. - 5.3.02


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