ypsilanti's Diaryland Diary


haircut by ghiie-J

i know you're sitting in the darkness of your home and you're listening to your records all alone.

the day was long and full of pain. just kidding. that's like some sort of fucking doors lyric. i'm losing it, dudes. i woke up in time to walk to work, and work was is it is always. juan came by and we went on a quick break in the beautiful fucking gorgeous day, out to get some TWIX or whatever, maybe some king size TWIX or what have you... we saw g-j across the street and ducked down a fucking alley for almost twenty minutes!! I cannot fucking stand g-jhaae.

i got the new clinic record, and ben commented on how much they sound like the silvor apples. i had yet to make that connection.

after work i sat on the stairs of the post office with some new dude friends, justin and another real nice real smart guy whose name i can't remember, but he was really cool. when i came up, they said they were just "reflecting vibes". fuck yes. we spoke spiritually and honestly for an hour, then i went home and slept for as long as i could. it was a good feeling to be alive today, and to remember to always feel however you feel. i think it's time for a haircut.

12:05 a.m. - 5.6.02


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