ypsilanti's Diaryland Diary


ice of summer backs

they really stare you down here. like anywhere else you'll be walking down the street and people will just go where they're going and do whatever, eyes on the pryze if you will, so to speak.. just basically putting their monet where they mouth is, doing what they gotta do.. here.. NO NO NO!! totally not. a curious gleam will meet you no matter where you go, no matter what time of day or bite. i think it's weird, half gross, mostly shitty. i think it's also because people really want to know what's going on around here at all times, especially how what's going on applies to them. the thing i've found about ann arbor, detroit, lower michigan, etc.. it's like (especially ann arbor..) no one really connects with one another, even thought they have more than enough to say, think and feel about everyone. it's like, everyone wants to know everything about everyone while maintaing some sort of mysterious mystique about themselves, as not to be found out by the people they're finding out. many mental notes. last night was beautiful, you were up at 2am, and we talked forever about your trips to the east and south. very funny.. summer of omd. you lost your keys as they fell out of your bike, onto a pile of broken glass. you kind of knew it happened when it happened, but didn't think about it. it's funny how the world tells you things when you're not listening or watching. i've been getting really really aware of all of that. like the last time i talked to you, ever, was the night that our bands played and there was that weird improv comedy troupe and then the rain came through the roof while i played drums and sang, and there were buckets and buckets of water flooding the floor while we freaked out and music was made smaller than nature. on the way home my brakes failed and a car came so close to destroying me. then you came over to show me the rain had flooded the lumberyard, making a small river. it was beautiful and scary, soaked shoes made sense. i tried to take you to the roof where i made all my descisions in 1994, 1995, we were talking about the changes and obstacles here, wether or not i was growing out of here like any other skin. when we finally got to the alleged "roof", pulling down the fire escape set off an outside fire alarm, or some sort of loud and stupid thing. we couldn't go up because we had to run away. what were we being told by these things? i got your letter today from louisville, with a huge flower of life in red to seal it. so happy to be the second piece of mail from that beautiful place from two different wonderful friends from that beautiful place within six days. i got your letter from san fransisco and i was happy and sweet and not afraid or apprehensive or regretful, just excited and real. i talked to you first thing this morning, and it doesn't sound like it's going to work the way i wish it would. maybe i'll just stay on couches in october, but it seems weird and silly to me. regardless, i can work it all out, but i think it will be fun no matter what. ten days from now i will be gone from the pink house. who knew. saturday looks good to me, second record: "CRUEL AUGUST MOON". finishing up today. i put your name in the credits even though you haven't played on it yet. you must, wether you realize it or actually play or whatever. you rule. i hope your trip back to l.a. goes good. i really had fun this time, and it'll be awesome to visit whenever i loose my habit of making obligations for myself and actually work it out. i'm glad you liked the song i made up, it'll just get better and better. i dream of roofs and new codes, a space with lots of possibilities and options, and the extinction of this part of summer.

19:40:30 - 2000-08-14


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