ypsilanti's Diaryland Diary



it's like nightmares, or ideas about things that can't possibly happen in your lifetime. i feel like the end of summer is a memory of all uncertain possiblities. we played outside and it was so beautiful, so many friends, with and without instruments. i just want you to know, that i've been searching out inspiration in any form for quite some time. i've been thinking about it and how rare real inspiring things are for me, but you being around reminds me of all the things i'm capable of, and makes me sure that all the things i want to do are possible, probable, valid and valuable. i really love you, and your name is inspiration, so thank you. we went and saw that comedy that is actually a love story and i wanted to cry. later at night i realized i might not be completely gay, but probably just actually a gay girl or misunderstanding ever having been a boy in the first place. it made more and more sense as i thought about it, and i fell asleep listening to "Raw Power" by this ann arbor band "The Stooges". it was sweet. last night i fell asleep right before we went out dancing, and i had a nightmare, and i woke up sick, and i almost didn't go, but i'm happier than anything that i did. if you can't dance to funk 45s, you can't breathe air, either. falling through moments. in and out of your heart with all the silent grace of water.

15:13:35 - 2000-08-21


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