ypsilanti's Diaryland Diary


wage slaves : wild hounds

the babies with the most to lose are always crying loudest.

it's been like all i ever do is work and think about thinking. monday and tuesday look good to me as days not to touch records or money. last night i felt asleep on my feet at the huge fashion show, and there's definately not as much going into what's going on around here right now. spectacular, sure, but the fire has died down as the amount of excited youth have lost their spark, moved on, moved out or slowed down. interpersonal dillemas, immediate dirt. still. people talk to me about having had the best summer of their lives, and i am so happy about that. looking forward to the best winter, fall and spring, and something new and beautiful everywhere.

i could write a list on names of the people i wish were here, and it would extend past the signs that mark the limits of the city.

one night last winter i was riding my bike at 3am, and there were seemingly friendly yet entirely unleashed dogs running around right where the city stops. sometimes it's good to be afraid.

17:59:12 - 2000-09-11


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