ypsilanti's Diaryland Diary



it's december again.

in michigan there's no snow, and micheal keeps saying the war will be over by christmas, and then the u.s. will be in full party mode. imagine that. i got andrew w.k.s album, "I Get Wet", and it inspired me in so many ways to just go crazy, hyperbrutalize, hurt myself, punch the air, jump through walls, eat the sky, and then jump in the air and not come down until the war is over, or until things make more sense. the party of helicopters show was amazing, and i felt like rummaging around in the backyard, or breaking things or something, so i did what i could. it's been a weird time. i really feel depressed in a way i haven't felt for a long time. maybe i just need to be left alone, or to leave everyone alone, or maybe i take things too personal, or maybe i just ruin everything for myself. who knows, who knows, who will know? everything that's changing is growing. and right, we have to go through these worst of times to appreciate what's good. i can't help but feel like i'm asleep, though. like all the things i'm doing and moving through, i'm not really connected to. i miss all my friends, and i understand why and how a lot of them have given up on me. i'm lucky for the friends i still have and for all i have learned from everyone i've ever known. blow up. erase.

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3:04 p.m. - 12.3.01


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