ypsilanti's Diaryland Diary


g-jay ruins the party

god damn. i woke up about nine hours ago. three pm. i can't tell if it was some bizarre stress-out sleep defecit or if i have something really wrong that's making me depressed, but it's rough cause now i have to wake up tommorow at 9:30 to go into work and i have no idea how i'm gonna get to sleep. i can't sleep to save my life. i was told drinking a beer will help knock you out, so i'm sitting at the computer chugging guinness, which is kind of depressing in and of itself. when i went out to buy beer i went walking around, looking for a party i heard was happening on catherine street. i couldn't find the party, but it felt good to walk around at night and feel the air. it helps to remember that even though there's so much work to do, life is not work. i gotta let you know, i gotta let you know, i gotta let you know..

2:15 a.m. - 5.15.02


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